
Dark fell upon the city as the moon settled in for the night. The sky, darkest shade of blue. Stars twinkling like the shimmer over the waves, reflecting off the moonlight. Rays peeked from behind the veil of mist cloaking the moon every now and then, just like the streaks of moonbeams pranced below the surface perishing halfway in search of the seabed to chase the shadows lying ahead.

I sat on the edge and stared above at the obscurity. Waves crashing silently below me. The roars a perennial existence echoing in my ears like a radio on an unknown frequency. My eyes reflected the black of the night but my soul perceived the glimpse of red beneath. Their was something about the crimson ambiance that peeled my heart to reveal the stories residing amid. Something oddly comfortable. Something that tugged at my roots. Going way back to my mothers womb. It was the vulnerability from their that filled my aura.

Overwhelmed, I let myself go.

I drifted around for a while with the waves, lost in a oblivion that existed within. Swaying around I was numbed into nothingness. Stilled, I was anxious to break the silence that encompassed me. Just when a rush of thoughts surged through my mind like a colossal wave shaking me out of my befuddled state. Now conscious I felt the sting of the gloom that had struck me. My lips quivered as a word struggled to get past the lump in my throat. It did. And then words poured out of my mouth like the bubbles underwater yearning to liberate in the night. With every bubble that left my mouth and released a little bit of me back into the universe, I plummeted even deeper into the abyss of misery where shadows of the dark awaited me. While I was dazed and paralyzed by my anguish a red light flashed before me. This time not as serene. But more like a alarm going off. Rattled to my core I gasped for air.

My lungs filled with a feeling of helplessness, dragging me to the end. I saw it. The end. Frenzied I pulled myself away from the garangutan tide of woe sucking me in. I resurfaced breathing back life into me. That's when I witnessed the apocalypse.

Azure sky with a the dark lying underneath overlooked the hint of red at the horizon. My peripheral vision had a blotch of solid black in it. It was the silhouette of my being. Static yet pacific. A tear escaped my will and dissolved into the droplets of manifestation of my torment. A tear rolled down the other cheek leaving behind a trail telling the tales of my might. Warmth unfurled inside me rejuvenating every bit of my existence as the red iridescent carved the smile of my embodiment.

Her gaze averted towards me and I noticed the dried up stains of sorrow. I reached out to myself and once again we thrived together, wondering what lay beyond the horizon.


  1. Loved this. Beautiful descriptions in the first paragraph.


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