

D ark fell upon the city as the moon settled in for the night. The sky, darkest shade of blue. Stars twinkling like the shimmer over the waves, reflecting off the moonlight. Rays peeked from behind the veil of mist cloaking the moon every now and then, just like the streaks of moonbeams pranced below the surface perishing halfway in search of the seabed to chase the shadows lying ahead. I sat on the edge and stared above at the obscurity. Waves crashing silently below me. The roars a perennial existence echoing in my ears like a radio on an unknown frequency. My eyes reflected the black of the night but my soul perceived the glimpse of red beneath. Their was something about the crimson ambiance that peeled my heart to reveal the stories residing amid. Something oddly comfortable. Something that tugged at my roots. Going way back to my mothers womb. It was the vulnerability from their that filled my aura. Overwhelmed, I let myself go. I drifted around for a while with the waves


T he wind whipped my face as I ran out of my old self. Sorrows peeled of my body, wilting away like a shimmer into the zephyr. Heart beating ahead of me finding its own frequency attuned with love. I ran towards the horizon, chasing it, until I was treading through the mist of fantasies and dreams that felt too good to be true. It was like being in the skies that reside in my mind, where each thought was a cloud passing by.  I kept running for don't know how long with this enormous smile on my face. Mind numbed with content. Euphoria radiating through every cell of my body. Eternal bliss was what it felt like in the moment. I halted as his face flashed through mind. I recalled that face. That hint of surprise in his eyes. That smile which spread across his face so effortlessly. Like that was the only way he could possibly react. So contagious that my lips tugged up at his sight. I smiled. I wasn't placid as I imagined myself to be. I smiled wholeheartedly. I smiled tr


D read crawled its way into my mind with every passing minute as my trip was days away now. The fact that he was in town was clear as day. And the chance of me running into him was as distinct as the wave raised about to crash. It was inevitable. My heart sank into the pit of my stomach, deeper with every thought into the abyss of anticipation of what might happen and fear that it might not. Bewildered was an understatement for what I was feeling. I couldn't phantom as to how the events would unfold. What will he do? Will he say anything? Smile? Or just be as placid towards me as I imagine myself to be? Will this encounter impel him to think or will I just be someone he met on the way? Was it any different now or was it the same? Does he feel like talking to me? Did he ever? What if he does approach me? How will I react? How am I supposed to react? Be cool and pretend everything is fine? Or choose my words and say little? Or do I just stay as placid as I imagine myself to be

Book Review | The Good Earth

T HE GOOD EARTH written by the Nobel Prize winner Pearl S. Buck was published in 1931. A classic of twentieth century set against China on the brink of revolution. A riveting family saga and a story of female sacrifice. In the reign of last emperor a servant girl married a humble man and together they began their epic journey. Most influential part is the Farmer Wang Lung's connection or attachment with the 'Earth' mentioned in the title. Earth refers to his land in this book. His devotion towards his land is remarkable. There are many other aspects of the books which reflect the live's of people before revolution in China. Materialistic things mattered more. Money and beauty were of great relevance. Rich lead lavish live's whereas poor were starved to death. Humanity had no place in this realm habituated with affluent community. Alongside this, the era was completely characterized by male dominance. The existence of female was thought upon as a misfortune.


  I was lying dispersly scattered along the shore. Vulnerable to the slightest of breeze. Delighted by his sight, l basked in the serenity his existence offered. I made peace with an occasional glimpse of him raised high about to crash. Deep inside of my heart, I grew fond of him with time. I longed to be within him, exist as his own. Thrive alongside him through the nights for the days and from the sun to the moon. I was astounded by the amorous desire I felt to be in his proximity. But his aloofness rendered me helpless. At twilight when the sun immersed itself in the horizon. The dark above enhanced the hint of a moon ensuing for the night to witness the smiles of those awaiting the moonlight. He came out of nowhere and engulfed me in a colossal wave, taking me into his possession. And I just went with the flow. His flow. I couldn't phantom as to how I always had this void inside of me. His presence was so vivid that I felt whole in a way I never did before. I was captiv